Serafin Investigations has conducted over 25,000 video surveillances over the last 41 years and we have been very successful in obtaining video of a subject’s activities. When we obtain video of a subject’s activities, it is a great tool to assist in the evaluation of a claim, settlement negotiations and evidence in preparation for a trial.

We have trained and experienced Investigators who take a professional approach to achieve the goals of obtaining video of a subject’s activities.

We utilize state of the art technology which includes high-definition zoom video cameras and covert cameras to document a subject’s activities.  Our Surveillance team is available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day which allows us the flexibility to obtain videotape of a subject’s activity.

We have an array of vehicles including an electric car which allows us to set up surveillances in closer proximity to a subject’s address because the vehicle is silent and makes individuals less suspicious of our surveillance positions.

Every surveillance we undertake is unique, it starts out with computer searches in an attempt to confirm a current address of a subject, social media assists us in obtaining a photograph and background information or activities on a subject, and a strategy is implemented on every surveillance depending on what is developed through our initial investigation, the location of a subject’s address and the position(s) we need to set up to achieve our goals.

After completing each day of surveillance, our investigators will document their findings and provide a detailed report of their observations. This report may include photographs, and other evidence that can be used in court or other legal proceedings.  We have a Web Based program for our clients to be able to view video and reports as soon as they are ready!

At Serafin Investigations we work as a team to achieve the goals of a surveillance which is to obtain videotape of a subject’s activities.

We are always available to answer any of your questions or what information we need from you to start a Surveillance.

Serafin Investigations, Inc. Offers Multi-Lingual Support!
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