Since 1997, Serafin Enterprise’s flagship software suites, which were Data Investigator Pro and Data Claims Pro were extremely powerful business applications that were used by independent insurance adjustment companies and private detective agencies, respectively. These programs revolutionized hundreds of businesses by transitioning their office into a completely paperless environment. These programs:
- Organized every aspect of their company by creating a searchable database
- Maintained all their records in one place, with every file or piece of information they needed with only a few clicks away
- Minimized their environmental impact by running a completely paperless office
- Eliminated their headaches and lost productivity associated with missing or misplaced files and nonstop paperwork
- Saved money and mitigate customer frustration due to inefficient response times.

This program originated and evolved from the experience of a professional investigative and marketing organization.
Through the evolution of technology we have created a web based program known as FileEverywhere. This program will have all the advanced features of Data Investigator Pro and Data Claims Pro with added modules to fit all your business needs. This Program can be accessed using any web browser.
All your data will be stored in a secure cloud environment and you will have the capability of backing up all your data at any location.
We are in the final testing stages of the program and it should be ready for the public in the near future.
Please email us your contact information and we will advise you when the program is ready for your free trial.

File Everywhere allows businesses to achieve new levels of productivity and give you these time-saving tools and more!
- Manage all client interactions
- Organize files and claims
- Invoice all accounts with efficiency
- Send and track e-mails and easily create mailing lists and bulk e-mails
- Record sales tax
- Track monies received
- Account for all monies owed
- Register employee time sheets
- Catalogue and generate reports
- Backup and restore all data to and from external hard drives
- Click and drag directly from your email
- Access Internet while working in the program

Detailed Product Features
Customer Database (Detail of Functions)
- Company Name
- Address
- Phone Numbers (including cell and fax)
- Category (customizable)
- E-mail Address
- Ability to e-mail from the program
- Ability to print addresses to envelopes
- Ability to make notes
- Completely searchable database

Case Index (Detail of Functions)
- Set up cases by claim numbers
- Scan all physical documents into case index
- Set up separate file cabinets, or categories, under any case to easily locate scanned items, reports, photos, notes and invoices
- Download photos to each case index and write text to photos
- Click and drag Word documents, photos and scanned objects from e-mail
- E-mail all selected items
- Type notes or logs which are automatically saved by date and time
- All sent e-mails are automatically saved to the log
- Create and encrypt reports from Word templates
- Access invoices and verify payment
- Add and delete comments or notes and peruse a claim or file at a glance to see what remains to be done
- Track what tasks employees are assigned and accomplishing on a specific claim or file
- Categorize file by status
- Print all selected reports, scanned items and photographs

Time Sheet (Detail of Functions)
- Keep record of all time spent on a claim, in 1/10 hour increments
- Maintain a record of all expenses
- Create template for hours and expenses
- Verify hours and expenses billed
- Print and/or e-mail time sheets

Invoices (Detail of Functions)
- Create a template of all billed items, which will appear in each case index
- Add one-time line items for individual invoices
- Keep records of all monies received, accounts payable, and interest owed on overdue accounts
- Automatically tags numerical sequence numbers to each invoice produced
- E-mail and/or print overdue invoices
- Charge sales tax by state and designate taxable items in each invoice
Reports Database (Detail of Functions)
- Review, e-mail or print invoices, categorized according to account status
- View, create and print a report of all unpaid invoices
- View, create and print a report of all monies received for a user-definable time period
- View, create and print a report of sales tax charged and received
Receipts (Detail of Functions)
- Easily document paid invoices, and create and print a receipt
Calendar (Detail of Functions)
- Create a comprehensive and interactive calendar and planner, capable of recording all tasks to be completed on any given date
- Keep running calendar of tasks to complete on a claim or file and easily access the desired claim or file by linking to it in the calendar
- Create calendar codes from a customer database
- Create recurring tasks
- Archival features that can bring up all completed tasks and entries as far back as you want
Tables (Customizable per Customer Requirements)
- Customer Databases
- Invoices
- Claim or Case Types
- Calendar
- Time Sheets
- Expense Types
- Company Information
- Envelopes
- State Taxes
- File Folders for Images
- Word Templates
- Image Templates
- Interest for Invoices
Please visit our website to learn more about our product.